The Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto
Lauren Oliver in person from Rochester, New York!
with her 16mm film performance plus 16mm films from Mono No Aware
presented by Steve Cossman in person from Brooklyn, NY!
Saturday, March 29, 8pm, pwyc/$5
L.I.F.T., 1137 Dupont St. (at Gladstone Ave.), Toronto
Phonetic Philmmaking
Preview of a new short super 8 film
by local artist Rennie Taylor,
plus the launch of an accompanying zine by Rennie and 4 guest writers
- Milada Kovacova, Mark Loeser,
John Porter, and Daniel Brlas.
Friday, April 25, 7pm, free!
Martin Heath's CineCycle,
behind 129 Spadina Ave., Toronto
(between Richmond & Adelaide)
Trash Palace Theatre, "Toronto's Classiest
Cinema" since 2007,
presents 16mm features and shorts, second Friday each month. at CineCycle,
behind 129 Spadina Ave., TorontoFacebook
18th National Film Festival for Talented Youth (NFFTY)
including King of Super 8, a new short doc
about Toronto film artist John Porter,
on Friday, April 4, at 11:45am.
London Spring Vintage Film Camera Show & Sale
Southwestern Ontario's largest, best & friendliest
used and vintage film photo equipment sale.
Antique & usable, still & cine, 1880s-1980s.
More than 40 local merchants' tables.
The 16th Annual Crossroads Festival of Moving Image Arts
Recent avant-garde films and videos. Super 8, 8mm, 16mm, 35mm films!
Performances! Many artists in person! Facebook
Friday-Sunday, August 29-31
10 screenings, $12 each, $110 Pass
Gray Area, 2665 Mission
St., San Francisco, California
28th Antimatter
Media Art Festival
International Media Art and Experimental Cinema.
Videos, 16mm, 35mm, and super 8 films.
Screenings and installations. Facebook
October 16-26, 2025
Deluge Contemporary Art,
636 Yates St., Victoria, British Columbia
Phil Hoffman: Lessons
in Process Toronto filmmaker Phil Hoffman in person! with
his latest video, (Canada / Cuba, 2012, 31 min.),
plus a 16mm film (Canada, 1988, 43 min.).
Experimental Film Club and the Irish Film Institute
present the The Experimental Film Club's Projection #33
Stom Sogo
Videos and super 8 films, 2000-2008, by
Japanese artist Stom Sogo (1975-2012). Super 8 projectionist: Moira Tierney!
Total running time: 68 minutes.
Dome Artists' Film Exhibition Group presents its
Annual Open Screening Bring your latest experimental films or videos to show
(finished or unfinished, found or stolen), before 8pm,
or just come to watch! 16mm, super 8, VHS, DVD, Blu-Ray, Quicktime, Mp3
Maximum 10 minutes. First come, first shown.
Recent Videos by Parkdale Artists Friday, July 19, 8pm, $pwyc (unclassified) Gladstone Hotel, 1214
Queen St. W., Toronto
Screening Under the Stars
Recent, family-friendly videos & 35mm films,
Bring your own chair, blankets, snacks, etc. Saturday, July 20, 9pm, $pwyc (unclassified)
Albert Crosland Parkette, Fuller Ave., Toronto
(north from Queen W., west of Lansdowne)
The Atlantic Filmmakers Co-op (AFCOOP)
presentation of
Cinema Park: Summer Super-8 Film Challenge Super 8 films recently shot and edited-in-camera in two days,
tonight being shown for the first time, even to the filmmakers!
Natelie Boterman, Vanessa Waller & Halley Davies,
Brett Hannam, David Middleton, Jacqueline Pool,
Emma Devost, Dan Smeby, Andrew Flemming,
Matthew Hayes, Hillary Titley, Martha Cooley.
July 17, 8:30pm, free!
AFCOOP Annual General Meeting: 6:30pm
AFCOOP, Suite 101, 5663 Cornwallis St., Halifax,
Nova Scotia
16 - Perth International Film Festival (July 4-14),
and Edith Cowan University, present
Revel-8 Super 8 Competition 18 new super 8 films by Australian artists,
Nick Vlahadamis, Harry Quinlan, Hector Ortiz & Dion Borrett,
Nicola Walkerden, Mike Rigoll, Paul Donnelly, Carl Anthonisz,
Mark Abberton, Phillip Salmon & Simon Naylor, Daniel Marano,
Byron Wheeler, Adrian Warren, Elyse de Valle, Reuben Unkovich,
Luke Griffiths, Daniel Nicholls, Jasmine Leivers & Samuel Harford.
Each film shot on one roll of silent film, edited in-camera,
now premiering tonight, projected on super 8! with
each filmmaker seeing their own film for the first time! Soundtracks recorded by Australian composers!
Prizes awarded, including Audience Choice Award!
Sunday, July 14, 8pm, $17
(adults only)
Luna Cinema Leederville, 155 Oxford St.,
North Perth, Western Australia, 6906
Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto (LIFT)
and Pleasure Dome Artists'
Film Exhibition Group present
Intertidal Film Performance by Alex MacKenzie
in person from Vancouver! Expanded cinema with two 16mm projectors!
His two most recent works, 2011/12, total 80 min.
Silent Sundays Peter
Pan (Herbert Brenon, USA, 1924, on video, 105 min.)
Plus silent short films projected on 16mm!
Live piano accompaniment by William O'Meara!
In the silent-era Revue Cinema, opened 100 years ago!
The Photographic Historical Society of Canada (PHSC)
The Big One - 39th Spring
Photographica Fair
Canada's oldest, largest, used photographic equipment sale.
Antique & usable, film & digital, still & cine. 100
tables. Facebook
Sunday, May 26, 10am-3pm, $7, students
The Soccer Centre, 7601 Martin Grove Rd. (at Hwy 7), Woodbridge,
(free bus from Kipling subway station Kiss-n-Ride - hourly from 9:30am)
The Sackville Cinematheque
Weekly screenings of experimental 16mm and super 8 films, hosted by Solomon Nagler from Halifax and Alexandre Larose from Montreal! Artists-in-residence Apr 22 - May 24. 16mm films by Joyce Wieland, Barbara Sternberg, Dziga Vertov,
Maya Deren, Arthur Lipsett and Walter Ruttmann, and live scores! Tonight - super 8 films by Solomon Nagler & Alexandre Larose!
Wednesdays, May 1, 8, 15 & 22,
8pm, free!
Struts Gallery, 7 Lorne St., Sackville, New Brunswick
14th Annual Super 8 Hotel
Film Festival Premieres of new super 8 films by local artists!
Norene Smiley, Rena Thomas, Elizabeth Horner, Shamus Griffith,
Linda Rae Dornan, Rebecca Blankert, Navarana Igloliorte, and
Faucet Media Arts Centre Youth Program participants.
The artists took a super 8 filmmaking workshop last month,
then each had 3 days to shoot a 1-roll film, edited-in-camera,
which were then shipped to Toronto for processing (Niagara),
all just in time for their first screening tonight, on super 8!
Popcorn and refreshments!
Friday, May 17, 8pm, free! all
Faucet Media Arts Centre, 7 Lorne St., Sackville,
New Brunswick
The Toronto Animated Image Society (TAIS)
TAIS Animation Showcase 2013 Recent shorts & installations by TAIS members.
A 35mm film by Madi Piller, and videos by Evan DeRushie,
Osman Cerfon & Gregory Duroy, Mike Maryniuk & John Scoles,
Aaron Long, Brandon Blommaert, Elise Simard, Esmunds Janson,
Siamak Haseli, Max Swiecki, Pasquale LaMontagna & Astra Burka,
Tess Martin, Jennifer Linton, Juan Camilo Gonzalez, Leslie Supnet,
Jeff Tran, Haiyang Wang, Iriz Paabo, Janice Schulman & Allan Kane. Many of the artists in person!
Saturday, May 11, 7pm, $10
(unclassified) Facebook