Super 8 Filmmaker John Porter, Toronto, Canada



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The Canadian Super 8 Distribution Centre

Toronto 1976-1977.

Toronto's Super 8 Community in the Late 1970s

Kodak introduced super 8 film in 1965, then super 8 sound film in 1975. In 1975, many young artists at The Ontario College of Art (OCA) in Toronto were holding super 8 parties which led to the publicly-funded, annual Toronto Super 8 Film Festival (1976-1983).

Some of those OCA artists joined the radical and seminal, publicly-funded, artist-run centre The Kensington Arts Association (KAA), later named the Centre for Experimental Arts and Communication (CEAC) (1973-1978). In 1974 the KAA, at 4 Kensington Ave., showed a 20-minute "standard" 8mm film by local artist Darryl Tonkin, and in 1975 it began showing 16mm, 8mm and super 8 films regularly. The CEAC, at 15 Duncan St., helped to found the short-lived Canadian Super 8 Distribution Centre in 1976, which in turn published a Directory in 1977 with 118 super 8 films, some 8mm films, and some videos, by 48 Canadian artists (see below). For just one year, it filled a conspicuous void created by the publicly-funded, artist-run Canadian Filmmakers Distribution Centre (CFMDC) in Toronto which, since its founding in 1967, resisted handling any 8mm or super 8 films.

One co-founder of the Toronto Super 8 Festival and the Canadian Super 8 Distribution Centre was filmmaker and OCA film instructor Ross McLaren, although he was not included in the Super 8 Distribution Centre's 1977 Directory. Instead, he co-founded at CEAC The Funnel Film Experimental Theatre (1977-1989) which went on to publish two distribution catalogues in 1984 and 1987 listing 300 films and other media, almost half of them on super 8, by 80 artists.


All of the following text was digitized for CineZine by Fringe Online.

The Canadian Super 8 Distribution Centre's Interests and Objectives- 1976

The Canadian Super 8 Distribution Centre has been established to promote Super 8 Filmmakers and Videographers through distribution of their works. The centre is funded by the Ontario Arts Council. The following is a brief outline of our interests and objectives:

1) Publication of a Directory listing both Super 8 Filmmakers and Videographers currently working in Canada. (Spring, 1977)

2) To provide the local Toronto Community with regular Screenings of works produced by Independent Super 8 Filmmakers and Videographers.

3) To develop a policy for the practical operation of a Super 8 and Video Distribution Centre.

Because of the mutual suitability of Super 8 with Video, we see the Centre offering equal distribution and viewing facilities for both media. Contact will be made with as many Filmmakers and Videographers as possible, asking them for statements about their works and documentation, if possible. The publication of the Directory will enlarge the possibilities of future granting for Super 8 Filmmakers from Government Granting Institutions. Supportive documentation is needed for Individual Granting Programmes to be initiated for Super 8 Filmmakers, (who do not yet qualify for project grants with Canadian Institutions supporting the Arts).

The Canadian Super 8 Distribution Centre is working toward this aim to improve the situation for Super 8 Filmmakers as well as represent the interests of Videographers. The Directory will exist as major documentation of the growing interest, respect and enthusiasm for Super 8 Film among both Artists and Independent Filmmakers.

We welcome your comments and contributions of information about your own works.
Please send all inquiries to:

The Canadian Super 8 Distribution Centre,
P.O. Box #305, Postal Station A, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5W 1C2



The Canadian Super 8 Distribution Centre's

Super 8 Filmmakers' and Videographers' Directory
Published in 1977 by Format 8 Film Distributors Inc.,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Funded by the Ontario Arts Council.



Introduction - Page 3.

Listing of Officers, Directors and Members - Page 5.

Acknowledgements - Page 5.

Individual Filmmakers and Videographers - Page 7.

Resource Centres - Page 34.

Super 8 Film Courses - Page 35.

Bibliography - Page 36.




Format 8 Film Distributors Inc. is a non-profit organization, the goals of which, are to promote Super 8 Filmmakers and Videographers through distribution and screenings of their works. The organization is funded by the Ontario Arts Council. The following is a brief outline of our interests and objectives.

1) Publication of a Directory, listing both Super 8 Filmmakers and Videographers currently working in Canada, followed by a Catalogue of the films and videotapes we will carry for rental.

2) To provide the local Toronto Community with regular screenings of works produced by Super 8 Filmmakers and Videographers.

3) To develop a policy for the practical operation of a Super 8 and Video Distribution Centre.

4) To house an Archive Collection of Super 8 films and Videotapes available to the public through in-house screenings and occasional festivals.

5) To argue for and support the eventual eligibility of Independent Super 8 Filmmakers to receive production grants from government funding sources in Canada.

Membership is available upon payment of $5 annual dues. Membership entitles individuals to participate in elections during Membership Meetings, free admission to Film Screenings, a free copy of our Directory and Catalogue as well as inclusion on our Mailing List.




Janet Sadel - President
Jennifer Gould - Vice-President
Peter Chapman - Secretary, Treasurer
Darryl Tonkin - Director
Ed Radford - Director


Heide Breslauer, Bruce Eakin, Glenn James, Patrick Jenkins, Laurie Little.


University of Toronto Engineering Society
Hart House Film Board
Canadian Filmmakers' Distribution Centre
Toronto Super 8 Film Festival
David Fujino - Photographer
Judy O'Hara - Proof reader
Ontario Arts Council




Work by 48 artists across Canada.
- Roger Allard - Danny Alloude - Jim Blake - Steve Caunce - Capilano College -
- David Cooperstone - Reid Dickie - Scott Didlake - Bruce Eakin - Kimmo Eklund -
- Mike Elliot - David Fine - E. Garsonnin - Jennifer Gould - Bruce Hain -
- Trevor Haws - Glen James - Patrick Jenkins - Henry Kronowetter - Erika Larner -
- K. A. Lehela - Peter Lipskis - Laurie Little - Jack H. Lough - Frank Manners -
- Bruce McDonald - Ed McLaughlin - Gerald Migliarisi - Don Mitchell -
- John Oswald - Terry Pearce - John Porter - Queen's University -
- Joseph Ranier - Derek Redmond - Loius Rondeau - Janet Sadel -
- Pete Skinner - S. Swibold - Peter Tate - Alison Temesy - Darryl Tonkin -
- Barry Tonner - Jean-Guy Tremblay - Brian Vandenburg - Richard Ward -


ROGER ALLARD Beloeil, Quebec.

THE HOUSEWIFE NEXT DOOR 1977, 7 Mins., Sound, Super 8, Black and White.
This film describes a housewife's relationships between her husband, daughter and mother. A fictional documentary with narration. Produced by Roger Allard.


DANNY ALLOUDE Montreal, Quebec.

MELANCHOLY MAN Listed as co-producer. For details see Don Mitchel.


JIM BLAKE Toronto, Ontario.

MOVING FIELDS STUDIES 1975, 1 Hour, Super 8, Colour, Silent.
Filming water, clouds, flames:, insect groups and other moving fields at various degrees of light exposure, focal length,, focus, camera speed, and angle with intention. to catalogue. Produced by Jim Blake mostly.


STEVE CAUNCE Toronto, Ontario.

CLAP 1976, 8 Mins., 1/2 inch Video, Black and White, Sound.
A game of solitaire in time and perspective space, using a delayed feedback loop. Produced by Steve Caunce.

TIME/SPACE/WARP 1976, 7 Mins., 1/2 inch Video, Black and White, Sound.
The same delayed-feedback-loop, but this time used in a more filmic manner. Subtle modulations of the system's variants are accentuated by the spoken word. Discreet use of
filmic manner. Subtle modulations of the system's variants are accentuated by the spoken word. Discreet use of visual puns adds punctuation. Produced by Steve Caunce.

VIDEHEARTALA Working Copies A & B, 1976, A-15 Mins., B-18 Mins., 1/2 inch Video, Black and White, Sound.
These are two working tapes of a co-operative enterprise, exploring some of the flow situations of biological and conceptual processes. A drummer drums to the beat of his own heart which he sees as a pulsating circle on a T.V. monitor. Audio information is directly dependant upon visual input. Conceptual structures are made and played in- response to this image, which, in turn, changes with increased activity or passivity on the part of the drummer. Produced by Steve Caunce in collaboration with R. Nash.


CAPILANO COLLEGE Vancouver, British Columbia.

THE POLITICIAN 1977, approx. 2 Mins., 30 Sec., Super 8 with Sound Stripe or on Video Cassette, Colour.
'The Politician' is a satirical animation showing the lengths to which a terrorist must go in his attempts to silence a politician's droning nonsense. Produced by Scott Dickson.

TURKEY DINNER 1977, approx. 1 Min., Super 8, Sound, also on Video Cassette, Colour.
A short animation illustrating the age old adage: 'You are what you eat.' Produced by Chris Cameron and Bonnie Soon.

BAND AID 1977, approx. 1 Min., Super 8, Sound, also on Video Cassette, Colour.
A short amimation dramatizing the futility of makeshift solutions to serious problems in the Third World. Produced by Edna Sakata and Jayne McCollum.

TO BE OR NOT TO BE 1977, approx. 2 Mins., 30 Secs., Super 8, Sound, also on Video Cassette, Colour.
A lively animation of a map of Canada. The film poses some questions about Quebec's past and future in Confederation. Produced by Bob Palmer and Joyce Peterson.



THREE CHILDREN 1971, 4 Mins., Super 8, Sound on Cassette, Colour.
This film is about three kids, all in slow motion. Much rhythm and movement. Produced by David Cooperstone.

UNTITLED 1972, 18 Mins., Super 8, Sound on Cassette, Colour.
York University epic story on film multi-speeds, a sad look at a desperate situation. Perhaps the experience suits the title. Produced by David Cooperstone and Nancy F.

ME BY ME 1973, 3 Mins., Super 8, Colour, Silent.
Number 1 personal film...'A film that made me'. This film comes along with I by I, on the same reel . A self portrait. Produced by David Cooperstone.

OH PISS 1+2 1973, 90 Mins., Video, Sound, Black and White.
This work is a collection of Vanier College video pieces. Many individuals were involved in it's making including Susan F.

SOUND COLLAGE 1974, 5 Mins., Super 8, Sound on Film, Colour.
A collage film, made originally of scrap sound film. Produced by David Cooperstone.

ONE MAY WEST PLEASE 1974, 35 Mins., Video, Sound, Black and White.
A video about Steven and the Montreal Gay Scene. Produced by David Cooperstone and Susan T.

OVER LAY 1975, 11 Mins., Super 8, Sound on Film, Colour.
This film was selected as one of the top 12 films at the Toronto Super 8 Film Festival of 1976. 'Over Lay' is a film of rich colours that interface with filmed images. The film was made by myself, John Doir, Louise and Allain.

HEDY-ANN 1976, 5 Mins., Super 8, Sound on Film, Colour.
A personal portrait of a young lady. Produced by David Cooperstone.


REID DICKIE Winnipeg, Manitoba.

32 YEARS AT ASHDOWNS 1976, 2 Mins. 36 Secs., Super 8. Colour, Silent.
A sunny day... a chance encounter between an old man and a young man on a park bench, their spirits are high, they talk, they laugh. The old man shows young man his gold watch, they part, captured in fast frame. Produced by Reid Dickie.

ADVENTURE FILMS 1976, 17 Mins. 43 Secs., Super 8, Colour, Silent.
Five films presented under one title:
1) An ailing old man is aided by two young girls, a supermarket boy and, finally, a policeman. Produced by Reid Dickie.
2) A metal ball rotates on a bicycle chain, a cat's eyes, and a woman's eyes.
3) Investigations of a room above suspicion: a bathroom.
4) Up and Down escalators: Two teenage boys take rides.
5) Black space invaded by multi-hued flashes, resolves into animated dolls: creation, procreation, fantasy, destruction...a frivolous film.

AQUA OM 1976, 4 Mins., 53 Secs., Super 8, Colour, Silent.
A 'found' film...unedited...sunlight gleams off the surface of a river... pieces of white move against navy blue...patterns and forms emerge then vanish...peaceful...hypnotic. Produced by Reid Dickie.

LINDA: SCREEN TEST 1976, 6 Mins., 53 Secs., Super 8, Colour, Silent.
A very special woman sits before a screen...her slides are projected on her face while she smokes, blows bubbles and toys with ballons...a love story. Produced by Reid Dickie.

SHADOW SHOW 1976, 3 Mins., 28 Secs., Super 8, Colour Silent.
A young man discovers his shadow on a white movie screen...he feels his own space as defined by light and darkness...body language...we never see him, only his shadow. Produced by Reid Dickie.

VICTOR JUICE 1976, 5 Mins., 36 Secs., Super 8, Colour, Silent.
Victor Juice (false nose and grasses, black bowler) goes for a sunny stroll amongst his peers... won't someone be his friend?

The titles of pieces of music that accompany some of these films are available upon request.


SCOTT DIDLAKE Toronto, Ontario.

THE PRACTICAL PRINCESS 1976, Half Hour, Super 8 with Sound Stripe and also 3/4 inch Video, Colour.
A documentary on the professional street theatre performer, David Anderson, and his 'Whole Loaf Theatre'. Filmed in a variety of very different Toronto street situations, the film presents a performance of the play which runs as a continuous narrative while the 'theatre'--the street, audience, weather, and reactions of spectator and player--change constantly from shot to shot. The play is a feminist fairy tale for young and old. It tells the story of Princess Bedalia and how she found her own means to slay the dragon that menaced the kingdom (princessdom) after all the men's typical-male-fairy-tale-solutions-to-the-problem have failed. Produced by Scott Didlake.

REEL HOME MOVIES 1970-present, Half Hour, Super 8, Colour and Monochrome, Sound and Silent.
One 400 ft. reel of short films which range from home movies to high art and the content of which I change from time to time according to my disposition. All are little examples of the sort of film you never see in 16 or 35mm or on TV or oh Videotape. Essential viewing for students of film production courses who wear berets and would rather spend their time not making 16 and 35mm films than in making films with an amateur medium. Some titles which you might find on this reel are: STREETCAR TRAGEDY; THE PROJECTOR AT WORK; RUSH HOUR ON EASY STREET OR HOW THE CAPITALISTS BUILT A GOLDEN BANK WITH THE WORKERS WAGES; HOW TO MAKE BETTER. MOVIES; JOURNEY TO OAK VILLE ON THE GO TRAIN. Produced by Scott Didlake.

CHILE/CANADA 1974, One Hour, Super 8, Sync sound; also available in 3/4 inch Video, Black and White.
A documentary about the 1973 military coup against the elected government of Chile, the flight of refugees to Canada and Canadian economic involvement in Chile. Extensive interviews with Canadians, Chilean refugees, and Canadians who lived in Chile during the coup are combined with documentary material from both countries. Performances by Canadian and Chilean musicians describe the similarly of the problems of the people of the two countries, their attempts to solve these problems, and the reactions of their governments. Produced by Scott Didlake and Peggy Nash.


ROBERT, BRUCE EAKIN, Toronto, Ontario.

TALKING TO GOD 1975, 12 Mins., Super 8, Black and White, Silent.
The film denigrates the urgency of static facilities and thus induces me to expose myself. Produced by Bruce Eakin.

THE 'LAUNDRO' 1976, 6 Mins., Super 8, Colour, Silent.
The dynamic workability-texture of visual Super 8... Produced by Bruce Eakin.

LESBIAN LUNCH 1976, 12 Mins., Super 8, Colour, Silent.
This film depicts the fluid conceptions of art viability in the contextual sense. Produced by Bruce Eakin.


KIMMO EKLUND Toronto, Ontario.

SELF-PORTRAIT 1974, 3 Mins., Super 8, Colour, Silent.
Self-Portrait is an experimental film which cannot be described in words.

THE IDIOT MEETS JOAN OF ARC 1974, 30 Mins., Super 8, Sound, Colour.
A comedy-drama dealing with Joan of Arc's re-appearance in contemporary society and her struggle for liberation. The film also deals with her romantic involvement with Dostoyevsky's 'the Idiot'. Lots of action. Produced by Kimmo Eklund, and Ed McLaughlin.

HOLYDAY 1975, 15 Mins:, Super 8, Sound, Colour.
'Holyday' is a film of a few filmmakers (Kimmo Eklund, Glenn James, Ed McLaughlin, Patricia Landsdown, and Henri Villard) and friends, a movie about themselves. Produced by Kimmo Eklund and Glenn James.


MIKE ELLIOT Oshawa, Ontario.

THE WHITECHAPEL MURDERS 1973, 10 Mins., Super 8, Colour, Silent.
A mystery short in narrative style, set in London in 1888.

SPARKS 1975, 30 Mins., Super 8, Colour, Silent.


DAVID FINE Toronto, Ontario.

OBSTREPEROUS 1977, 3 Mins., 5 Secs., Super 8, Sound, Colour.
An animated film about someone who encounters a stereo system and gets into the music physically. Produced by David Fine.

CASE 413, THE STOLEN SCIENTIST AFFAIR 1975, 10 Mins., Super 8, Sound, Colour.
A take-off on the familiar Super Hero Story. Produced by David Fine and Tom Morgan.

THE KITCHEN BOY and HARVEY 1976, 3 Mins., each, Super 8, Sound, Colour.
'The Kitchen Boy' has a small plasticine creature exploring the kitchen only to meet his doom. 'Harvey' is a short cell animation (115 drawings) about an oval person. Produced by David Fine.


E. GARSONNIN Canmore, Alberta.

WILDERNESS PHOTOGRAPHY 1977, 10 Mins., Super 8, Sound, Colour.
Documentary of Photo in Wilderness course offered by Banff Centre, School of Fine Art. Stressing human interaction with natural enviroment—Ecology and Photo. Produced by E. Garsonnin.

GALAPAGOS 1975, 20 Mins., Super 8 to 16mm, Colour. Silent. Also available in Super 8.
Study of bird and animal movements, and habitation in the world's most unique enviroment. Produced by E. Garsonnin and S. Swibold.


JENNIFER GOULD Toronto, Ontario.

WATER PIECE 1976, 4 Mins., Sound on Cassette, Super 8, Colour.
A semi-documentary of the Toronto Island Ferry boat ride to Ward's Island. A metamorphosis takes place in delicate soft focus. Shows the relationship between a foggy, timelesss, natural environment pervading the still lives of the inhabitants. A turn of the century aura is sharply eclipsed and re-focused through the electronic soundtrack.

LOST TIME SHADOWS 1977; 2 Mins., Sound on Cassette, Super 8, Black and White.
A typical day and its developments through shadows and lighting.

INSTITUTION 1977, 4 Mins., Sound on Cassette, Super 8, Colour.
A semi-documentary. This film explores some images and scenes from a psychiatric ward. An old man travels through protest and anger, juxtaposing out-of-focus attempts at reality.


BRUCE HAIN Toronto, Ontario.

POKER POT PARTY 1973, 7 Mins., Super 8, Colour, Silent.
'Poker Pot Party' is a farcical look at what happens when four-good friends sit down for a quiet evening of card playing and hoisting a few. Produced by Bruce Hain and Peter Mason.

EASY-TREAD SHOES 1973, 5 Mins., Super 8, Sound, Colour.
'Easy-Tread Shoes' is a take-off on methods of advertising and an attempt at filming a good old-fashioned shoot-out. Produced by Bruce Hain and Erling Armsen.

A DAY IN THE LIFE OF RUDY TOWERS 1974, 13 Mins., Super 8, Sound, Colour.
This film is a humourous study of the real and imagined life of a typical High School student. Produced by Bruce Hain, Nick Mitchell and Sven Saring.


TREVOR HAWS Erin, Ontario.

GRAND SPREE 1976, 5 Mins., Super 8, Sound, Colour.
'Grand Spree' is a comedy pixillation film, depicting a car race through the halls and library of a High School. Produced by Trevor Haws.

THE DEPARTURE 1977, 8 Mins., 30 Secs., Super 8, Sound, Black and White.
This film graphically portrays a violent shooting in a High School, revealing, perhaps, reasons why such terrifying incidents occur. I hope 'The Departure' will make us all take a long look at the kind of society we have created. Produced by Trevor Haws.


D.R. HOULPING, Toronto, Ontario.

THE BUGABOOS 1971, 40 Mins., Super 8, Colour, Silent.


GLENN ROBERT JAMES, Toronto, Ontario.

THREE FRENCH HENS 1973, 25 Mins., Super 8, Sound Stripe, Colour.
The film deals with many levels of conceptuality, dialogue, country music and landscape.
In many ways it represents the integration of an Artist/Filmmaker's personal history with his use of the film genre... a film of very lyrical metaphors. Produced by Glenn James.

FOLLOW THE LEADER 1973, 4 Mins., Super 8, Colour, Silent.
In this film a visual pun is evident, using the combined ingredients of film's technical language, a child's game and a line of blood in white snow. Produced by Glenn James.

LIGHT BULB IN THE TOILET 1974, 4 Mins., Super 8, Black and White, Silent.
Definitely a film of childhood re-visited. This film always draws an emotive response... much sensitivity. Produced by Glenn James.


SUMMER FILM 1975, 35 Mins., Super 8, Colour, Silent.
This film captures the essence of children's play, games and personal relationships against a landscape of idyllic life on a farm in the country... An intimate handling of subject. Produced by Glenn James.

FACE THE MUSIC 1976, 30 Mins., Super 8, Sound on Cassette, Colour.
Faces of both men and women are seen, eyes moving to the beat of accompanying music. This work has been shown as part of a performance piece in which the film is projected on the face of a person in white-face. The overlapping of expressions creates fantastic imagery. Produced by Glenn James.

NEWT 1976, 20 Mins., Super 8, Colour, Silent.
The artist films his pet. A very silent movie. Produced by Glenn James.

GORILLA 1976, 25 Mins., Super 8. Colour, Silent.
Probably the first film showing a gorilla's encounter with Toronto's CN Tower, light, comic action. Produced by Glenn James.


PATRICK JENKINS Toronto, Ontario.

WEDDING BEFORE ME 1976, 7 Mins., Super 8, Sound, Colour.
Using footage of a family wedding, a pattern of freeze-frames and repeated movements induces the viewer to focus on movements and details that usually go unnoticed. The emotional tone is accentuated with inserts of scenes from late 40's, early 50's movies. Produced by Patrick Jenkins.

ROOM FILM 1976, 7 Mins., Super 8, Sound, Colour.
This film focuses on changing lines, designs, and patterns occuring at the intersection of three walls, above a door. The door seems to initiate image changes by its regular openings and closings. A film with much concentration on process, rhythm and spatial dimensions. Produced by Patrick Jenkins.



BATMAN 1974, 15 Mins., Super 8, Colour, Silent.
Made in Toronto, a spoof on the TV series. Produced by Henry Kronowetter.

THE CAKE AND FREAK ATTACK 1974, 15 Mins., Super 8, Colour.
Another spoof about occult groups. The story is built around a sacrifice and subsequent rebellion. The film could be called experimental. Filmed at Central Technical High School. Produced _ by Henry Kronowetter.

REVENGE 1975, 15 Mins., Super 8, Colour, Silent.
A story of revenge, modelled after the Kung Fu film style. Shot on location at Centre Island in Toronto. Lots of action. Produced by Henry Kronowetter.


ERIKA LARNER Toronto, Ontario.

UNTITLED 1 1976, 4 Mins., 15 Secs., Video, Black and White, Silent.
A videotape of the artist combining two images of herself performing the same actions. Simultaneity of opposing processes (dressing and undressing) is made through an impersonal medium. Produced by Erika Larner.

UNTITLED 2 1976, 16 Mins., Video, Black and White, Silent.
Video art piece. in which a Video Novitate is bound and gagged and otherwise inconvenienced by technical whiz using approximately 100 ft. of coaxial cables.
'I've seen people become so wrapped up in the technology of video (colourizer, synthesizers, chroma key etc.) that they become mindless extensions of the machinery rather than use the Video medium as an extention/expression of their minds. An obvious metaphor.' Produced by Erika Larner.


K.A. LEHELA Toronto, Ontario.

THE TOWER 1977, 25 Mins., Super 8, Sound, Colour.
This film takes the viewer into the site of the construction of the CN Tower. A narrative soundtrack discusses its history. Produced by K.A. Lehela.

BARBADOS 1973, 20 Mins., Super 8, Sound, Colour.
A travel film shot on location. Produced by K.A. Lehela.

HAWAII 1974, 30 Mins., Super 8, Sound, Colour.
A travel film, shot on location. Produced by K.A. Lehela.

STOCKHOLM 1975, 29 Mins., Super 8, Sound, Colour.
A travel film about the city. Shot on location. Produced by K.A. Lehela.

ESTO '76 1977, 15 Mins., Super 8, Sound, Colour.
Produced by K.A. Lehela.


PETER LIPSKIS Vancouver, British Columbia.

‘I WAS A TEENAGE PERSONALITY CRISIS!' 1975, 18 Mins., Super 8, Sound, Also available on 1/2 inch Video, Colour.
This film is a comedy about the experiences of a normally confused and frustrated teenager in the early 1970's. A film based on true fact, starring Siggy Magic, actor extraordinaire. Produced by Peter Lipskis.


LAURIE LITTLE Montreal, Quebec.

THE HERMIT PAINTER OF SHANSI 1976, 15 Mins., Super 8, Sound, Colour.
This film is about a Chinese painter from the Sung Dynasty who was a recluse living in the Shansi mountains, reproductions of his works are accompanied by a narration. Produced by Laurie Little.

HOUSE FILM 1975, 7 Mins., Super 8, Colour, Silent.
A man has a short affair with a house. Produced by Laurie Little.

DOLLY FARM 1975, 4 Mins., Super 8, Colour, Silent.
'Dolly Farm' is a fantasy film with five actors and animated dolls. The story involves the activities of a people collector. Produced by Laurie Little.


JACK H. LOUGH Kitchener, Ontario.

MARINELAND OF THE PACIFIC 1977, 20 Mins., Super 8, Sound, Colour.
A visit to 'Marineland of the Pacific' in Southern California, includes seeing the Dolphin Pool, Seal 'Flight and Training School', Whale Show, Tropical Fish Tanks and hundreds of ocean fish and mammals. This film was screened at Harbourfront during the Toronto Super 8, Film Festival. Produced by Jack H. Lough.


FRANK MANNERS Toronto, Ontario.

INTRODUCTION 1976, 6 Mins., Super 8, Colour, Silent.

ATTEMPTED SUICIDE 1976, 6 Mins., Super 8, Sound, Colour.
Both films are experiments in symbolism. Produced by Frank Manners.


BRUCE MCDONALD Rexdale, Ontario.

ECHOES 1976, 4 Mins., Super 8, Sound, Colour.

VISUS 3 & 20 1976, 7 Mins., Super 8, Silent, Black and White.

OUR GLORIOUS DEAD 1976, 40 Mins., Super 8, Sound, Colour. Produced by Bruce Mcdonald.


ED MCLAUGHLIN Toronto, Ontario.

MAN WITH A PLASTIC BAG ON HIS HEAD 1973, 17 Mins., Video, Sound, Colour.
Produced by Ed Mclaughlin and Tom Jarema.



THE BACKYARD 1975, 8 Mins., Super 8, Sound, Colour.
A documentary about the various plants that we grow in my own backyard. Produced by Gerald Migliarisi.

DISSENSUS 1975, 18 Mins., Super 8, Sound, Colour.
A serious study about good and evil through both time and space. Produced by Gerald Migliarisi.

THE WINOS 1974, 13 Mins., Super 8, Sound, Colour.
A comedy-drama about two student roommates getting drunk. Produced by Gerald Migliarisi.


DON MITCHELL St. Laurent, Quebec.

MELANCHOLY MAN 1977, 11 Mins., Super 8, Sound, Colour.
A film that will hopefully, make people think. Produced by Don Mitchell arid Danny Alloude.

'MONTREAL UNDERWORLD' 1976, 6 Mins., Super 8, Sound. Colour.
'Montreal Underworld' is a fast-paced look at the Montreal subway and it's connecting facilities. Produced by Don Mitchell and Danny Alloude.

JOHN OSWALD Toronto, Ontario.

ANIMAL FILMS 1976 to date, 10 Mins., Super 8, Colour, Silent.
A film about experimentation with perception through filming of animals (humans included), in their habitats. The film utilizes the compressed and expanded time, focusing, framing and light quality capabilities of the equipment...unedited. Viewing speed 10 - 12 FPS. Produced by John Oswald.


TERRY PEARCE Igloolik, Northwest Territories.

HUNTING (Fox Basin) 1975, 10 Mins., Super 8, Colour, Silent.


JOHN PORTER Toronto, Ontario.

WAITING 1976, 12 Mins., Super 8, Colour, Silent.
'Waiting' has all the elements of poetry, humour, satire and sentimentality integrated in an experimental handling of visual images. A unique and original view of one of Toronto's most haloed traditions. This film was one of the Best Films chosen at the Toronto Super 8 Film Festival of 1977. Produced by John Porter.


QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY Kingston, Ontario.

MT PLEASANT CEMETERY 1975, 8 Mins., Super 8, Sound, Colour.
An experimental film centered on the Toronto cemetery. Produced by Michael Banger.

BREADMAKER 1975, 5 Mins., Super 8, Sound, Colour.
A friendly, little documentary looking at a lot of bread and the lady who makes it. Produced by Ralph Peter.

POLEVAULT 1974 5 Mins., Super 8, Sound on 3/4 inch tape, Colour.
An experimental documentary in which 'Only the athlete is closer to the action.' Produced by John Thomas.

TOURMALINE 1974, 6 Mins., Super 8, Sound, on 1/4 inch tape, Colour.
In 'Tourmaline', we see the miniature world of the man who makes jewelry. Produced by J. Guthrie and C. Austin.

DAN REID '73 1973, 12 Mins., Super 8, Sound Stripe, Colour. Portrait of an artist.


JOSEPH RANIER Downsview, Ontario.

PASOLINI 1977, 7 Mins., Super 8, Sound, Colour.
A film based on the death of the controversial Italian film director, Pier. Paulo Pasolini. Produced by Joseph Ranier.

COMA 1976, 7 Mins., Super 8, Sound, Colour.
A film that focuses on original footage and still photographs. A semi-documentary. Produced by Joseph Ranier.

MAXIMUS 1976, 7 Mins., Super 8, Sound, Colour.
A short documentary on the vanishing species of large, wild animals. Produced by Joseph Ranier.

ORLANDO 1975, 7 Mins., Super 8, Sound, Colour.
A dramatic film based on the Myth of Sisyphus. Produced by Joseph Ranier.

PYTHAGORAS 1974, 7 Mins., Super 8, Sound, Colour.
A short dramatic profile of a pigeon lover...a professional criminal. Produced by Joseph Ranier. Awarded the Golden Image Award - 1974, at the Long Island International Film Festival.

WINTER LAND 1971, 18 Mins., Super 8, Colour, Silent.
A short documentary about Toronto. Produced by Joseph Ranier.


DEREK REDMOND Kingston, Ontario.

KITES OVER KINGSTON 1976, 16 Mins., Super 8, Sound, Colour.
'Kites Over Kingston' is a light documentary of a community kite flying weekend, sponsored by the Agnes Etherington Gallery Association. Produced by Derek Redmond.

WOODSTOCK POP FESTIVAL 1969, 9 Mins., Super 8, Sound Stripe, Colour.
A participant's view of the 'Three Days of Peace and Music' event. Filmed and recorded entirely on location, with some footage of performances by the Airplane, Janis, The Who and others. Produced by Derek Redmond and P. Campbell.


LOUIS RONDEAU Montreal, Quebec.

I ONLY HAVE EYES FOR YOU 1976, 16 Mins., Super 8, Colour, Silent.
A dramatic film develops from a boy's experience of an absurde situation. Produced by Louis Rondeau.

FIRE 1976, 8 Mins., Super 8, Colour, Silent.
Fiction-fantasy with erotic imagery. Produced by Louis Rondeau.

UNE JOURNEE A LA PLAGE 1976, 10 Mins., Super 8, Colour, Silent.
A slapstick-comedy taking place on the beach in the late 50's. Produced by Louis Rondeau.

VALENTIA 1975, 25 Mins., Super 8, Colour, Silent.
A comedy, adventure story about two men who consult the newspaper to find girls. Produced by Louis Rondeau.

LE FUMMEUR 1974, 8 Mins., Super 8, Colour, Silent.
A fiction film about a young man's drug-induced hallucination. Produced by Francois Rondeau.

RARE PLEASURE 1974, 10 Mins., Super 8, Colour, Silent.
A fantasy romance. Produced by Louis Rondeau.


JANET SADEL Toronto, Ontario.

ANTICIPATED CONGRUENCE 1977, 15 Mins., Super 8, Sound, Black and White.
An experimental film interfacing the three elements of sound, image and subtitles in the context of general sinc. Produced by Janet Sadel.

FREIGHT ELEVATOR BIRDS (A farewell Memorial) 1976, 1 Min., 30 Secs., Sound, Colour.
An experimental film following the movement of a dimly-lit freight elevator, carrying a box of stuffed woodpeckers. The soundtrack is an original composition of electronic music. Produced by Janet Sadel.

TRUCKIN' WITH BONNIE 1975, 20 Mins., 1/2 inch Video, Sound, Black and White.
A tape made with porta-pack equipment in the front seat of a pick-up truck, while driving through the countryside near the Kawartha Lakes region of Ontario. As the scenery rolls by the lyrics from the AM radio, tuned to a local country/western station, create periods of co-incidental and synchronous image/sound relationships. Unedited. Produced by Janet Sadel and Bronwin Bauchman.

FARM FROLIKS 1974, 20 Mins., 1/2 inch Video, Sound, Black and White.
A documentation of Students from the Hawthorne Bilingual School visiting a farm. Sections of the tape were done by children as part of their video workshop. Scenes include fort building cookie baking, household chores, barnyard animals and a nature hike. Produced by Janet Sadel.

UNTITLED 1973, 7 Mins., 1/2 inch Video, Sound, Black and White.
Taping of some steel sculptures possessing very animate characteristics. Produced by Janet Sadel.


PETE SKINNER St. Lambert, Quebec.

FOAM/ICE/CHEESE 1977, 6 Mins., Super 8, Sound, Colour.
This film is a study of the items in the title. Produced by Pete Skinner.

LIPS 1977, 8 mins., Super 8, Sound, Colour.
A detailed study of lips and other facial features. Produced by Pete Skinner.

TELEVISION TRILOGY 1977, 8 Mins., Super 8, Sound, Colour & Black and White.
A fiction film about television, consisting of three parts:
1) 'Gary Ontou 1011 Quarter'
2) 'Baby Let's Swing (Dwarf Nebula)'
3) 'Nobody' Produced by Pete Skinner.

MY FRIEND PHIL 1975, 12 Mins., Super 8, Sound, Colour.
'My Friend Phil' was produced for a media workshop at Champlain College in St. Lambert. The film is a comic study of the function of the unconscious through the creative process. A semi-self-portrait. Produced by Pete Skinner.


S. SWIBOLD Canmore, Alberta.

TRILOGY 1977, 10 Mins., Super 8, Sound, Colour.
'Trilogy' is composed of three independent sections, connected by black leader to read as vignettes, about the concept of man's thoughts on the amimal of the mind... and the man-made landscape. The visual imagery of the film archives a sense of poetic metaphore. Produced by S. Swibold.

SEA BIRDS OF NEWFOUNDLAND 1976, 20 Mins., Super 8, Blow-up available on 16mm, Sound, Colour.
A study of bird behavior and habitat at two sea bird sanctuaries. Produced by S. Swibold and E. Garsonnin.


PETER TATE Vancouver, British columbia..

WORK PRODUCED 1975, 7 Mins., Super 8, Colour, Silent.This film consists of visual notes on movements, landscapes and visual aesthetics. Produced by Peter Tate.

CAROLINA 1973, 6 Mins., Super 8, Colour, Silent.
An experimental film concerning the interaction of the filmmaker with light, film, camera and a house he loved. Produced by Peter Tate.

DOMEFILM 1972, 15 Mins., Super 8, Colour, Silent.
A documentation of the construction of a 16' wooden dome in the interior of B.C., with emphasis on materials and technique. Produced by Peter Tate.

LUNCH 1971, 8 Mins., Super 8, Black and White, Silent.
This film is the result of filming the local Welfare Cafeteria. Produced by Peter Tate.


ALISON TEMESY Toronto, Ontario.

FAIR FALL 1976, 2 Mins., Super 8, Colour, Silent.
An unpretentious look at a country fair, with scenes of children, amusements, and horse racing, capturing the colour, mood and atmosphere of the occasion. Produced by Alison Temesy.


DARRYL TONKIN Toronto, Ontario.

SUPER SIMPLE PIMPLE 1973, 20 Mins., 8mm, Colour, Silent.
A film in which S.S.P. triumphs over evil. Produced by Darryl Tonkin.

OPERATION ROOM 1970, 5 Mins., 8mm, Colour, Silent.
An unusual birth episode. Produced by Darryl Tonkin.

GARBAGE DISPOSAL 1969, 10 Mins., 8mm, Colour, Silent.
A mealtime scene at the city dump. Produced by Darryl Tonkin.


BARRY TONNER Milton, Ontario.

GO 'MAD' 1976, 9 Mins., Super 8, Sound, Colour.
A promotional film, used to promote attendance at a convention, includes animated title and extensive use of kinestasis. Produced by Barry Tonner.

STEAM 1976, 7 Mins., Super 8, Sound, Colour.
'Steam' was filmed on Labour Day weekend in Milton, Ont., at the annual 'Steam Era' event, includes shots of working steam engines and cliapead, all set to period music. Produced by Barry Tonner.

JIM MURRAY 1976, 9 Mins., Super 8, Sound, Colour.
A political promotional film. Produced by Barry Tonner.

POLKA DOTS 1970, 9 Mins., Super 8, Sound, Colour.
An experimental film of flashing lights, set to music. The film appears to be animated, however, it was shot live with wild sound. Produced by Barry Tonner.


JEAN-GUY TREMBLAY Montreal, Quebec.

BALIAN 1976, 9 Mins., Super 8, and 3/4 inch Video Cassette, Sound, Colour.
Une boutique dans le Vieux Montreal, des fleurs, des oiseaux métallique, une camera et il n’en faut pas plus pour écrire un poeme en image.
A boutique in Old Montreal, some flowers, some metal birds and a camera—no more is needed to create a poem of images. Produced by Jean-Guy Tremblay.

SENS 1975, 17 Mins., Super 8, and 3/4 inch Video Cassette, Sound, Colour.
Science-fiction: Un voyageur du temps et de l'espace fait vivre a une femme une étrange aventure remplie de sens.
Science-fiction: A traveler of time and space makes life for a woman a strange adventure, full of meaning. Produced by Bojantry.



SPORTS 1975, 12 Mins., Super 8, Colour, Silent.

WEDDING 1975, 15 Mins., Super 8, Sound, Colour. Produced by Brian Vandenburg.


RICHARD WARD Vancouver, British Columbia.

JAMES BOND ON U.I.C. 1975, 31 Mins., Video, Sound, Black and White.
A government killer, down on his luck, finds himself in a make-work programme doing his old job. Produced by Richard Ward.

PORTABLE VIDEO IN VANCOUVER 1974, 28 Mins., Video, Sound, Black and White,
Interviews with Chris Pinney of Challenge for Change, Gloria Kieler, John Richards of Metro Media and Shawn Prens of Video Inn tell the story. Produced by Richard Ward.

THE DAY SEX ENDED 1973, 15 Mins., Video, Sound, Black and White.
The anchorman on the national news is hunted down after he reveals that sex was invented as an advertising gimmick. Produced by Richard Ward.

WONK 1970, 10 Mins., Super 8, Colour, Silent.
A young man, out walking, is haunted by hallucinations, particularly of a small, furry animal that twitches. Produced by Richard Ward.




Canadian Filmtronics Aid, 410 Adelaide St. W., Toronto, Ont., M5V 1S8

Canadian Super 8 Centre, 205 Richmond St. W., Toronto, Ont., M5V 1V5 (416) 368-2075

Quinn Laboratories, 308 Adelaide St. W., Toronto, Ont., M5V 1R7 (416) 368-3011

Cine Sign - Super 8 Motion Picture Titles and Showcards,
536 Woodward Ave., Milton, Ont., L9T 3B8

Video Ring, 85 St. Nicholas St., Toronto, Ont.

The Video Centre, 874 Eglinton Ave. East, Toronto, Ont., (416) 423-6243



Canada Council, 255 Albert St., P.O. Box 1047, Ottawa, Ont., K1P 5V8

National Film Board of Canada, 150 Kent St., Ottawa, Ont., (613) 922-3615

Ontario Arts Council, 151 Bloor St. W., Toronto, Ont., M5S 1T6

Secretary of State, Film Festivals Bureau, 17th Floor, 66 Slater St., Ottawa, Ont., K1A 0M5



Elmo Canada MFG Corp., 44 West Drive, Bramalea, Ont., L6T 3T6

Kodak Canada Ltd., 3500 Eglinton Ave. W., Toronto, Ont., M6M 1V3 (416) 766-8233

Rutherford Photo Ltd., 211 Laird Dr., Toronto, Ont., (416) 422-1340

Sony of Canada Ltd., 405 Gordon Baker, Toronto, Ont., (416) 499-5111

Panasonic, 40 Ronson Dr., Rexdale, Ont., (415) 248-5551



Art Metropole, 241 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont., (416) 368-7787

Format 8 Film Distributors Inc.
(Canadian Super 8 Distribution Centre), P.O. Box 305, Station A, Toronto, Ont., M5W 1C2

Canadian Film-Makers Distribution Centre, 406 Jarvis St., Toronto, Ont., (416) 921-4121

Video Inn, 261 Powell St., Vancouver, British Columbia (604) 688-4336



The Toronto Super 8 Film Festival,
Box 7109 Station A, Toronto, Ont., M5W 1X8 (416) 367-0509




Capillano College,
1770 Mathers Ave., West Vancouver, B.C. (604) 980-7511

Concordia University, Faculty of Fine Arts,
1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. W., Montreal, Que. H3G 1M8 (514) 482-0320

Conestoga College of Applied Arts and Technology, 299 Doon Valley Dr.,
Kitchener, Ont. (519) 653-2511

Grant MacEwan Community College, 8020-118 Ave., Edmonton, Alta., T5B 0R8

Queen's University, 154 Stuart St., Kingston, Ont.

University of Regina, Division of Fine Arts, Regina, Sask., S4S 0A2 (306) 585-4111

Simon Frazer University, Burnaby, B.C. (604) 980-7511

Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology (Finch Campus),
Applied Arts Div., 1750 Finch Ave. E., Willowdale, Ont., M2N 5T7

Vanier College, 821 Ste-Croix Blvd., St. Laurent, Montreal, Que. (514) 333-3800

The above listings are incomplete. They will be enlarged in our future publications.




The following bibliography makes no attempt to be inexhaustible or even particularly comprehensive. Only the two books by Lenny Lipton deal directly with Super 8 in that they have a technical orientation. The others, along with Mr. Lipton’s were chosen largely for their ‘attitude’ toward the business of filmmaking or videography.

A MOTION PICTURE GIVING AND TAKING BOOK by Stan Brakhage: An independent filmmaker gives a grassroots discussion of film technique. Brakhage intended this work as a 'how to do' book on filmmaking for poets.

THE SUPER 8 BOOK and INDEPENDENT FILMMAKING by Lenny Lipton: Both of these books are by far the finest general introduction to their areas yet written. Technical matters are handled in a readable and entertaining style.

VIDEO ART An Anthology edited by Ira Schneider and Beryl Korot: Videographers of various aesthetic leanings contributed articles to this anthology making it the most comprehensive overview of video art.


YOUNG FILMMAKERS by Rodger Larson with Ellen Meade: A personal account of a sixties childrens' film workshop in the New York slums. Contains much that is common to many similar projects.

A GUIDE TO INDEPENDENT FILM AND VIDEO 1976: A guide to museums, galleries, distributors, filmmakers, video co-ops and various other facets of the 'business'.

EXPERIMENTAL CINEMA, A 50 YEAR EVOLUTION by David Curtis: A good guide to past and present aesthetic trends in personal and independent filmmaking.

SUPER 8 MAGAZINE A monthly U.S. publication: A comprehensive coverage of Super 8 technology, news, productions, festivals, etc..

INDEPENDENT VIDEO by Ken Marsh: a manual and guide on producing video tapes, well illustrated with a very readable text. A good beginners instructional reference.

Compiled with the help of Cine Books, Toronto.


Funnel Biographies & Filmographies
by John Porter 1982

The Funnel's First Pamphlet, 1982

The Funnel's First Catalogue 1984
62 Pages! 50 Filmmakers! 200 Films & Related Work!
Artists A-J, Artists L-W,
Appendix (Filmography / Bibliography / Screenings).

The Funnel Catalogue Supplement 1987
44 Pages! 30 Filmmakers! 120 Films & Related Work!
Introduction; Index; Artists A-J; Artists L-Y;
Alphabetical Film Listing; Funnel Publications;
Appendix (Filmography / Bibliography / Screenings).


Coming - Toronto Artists Discovering Film 1949-1969!

CineZine - Histories - History of Toronto 8mm & Super 8