Super 8 Filmmaker John Porter, Toronto, Canada
John's Upcoming Shows - Recent Shows - New Films - 300 Films - Biography
King of Super 8, a
new short documentary about John Porter, plus his in-person Echo
Park Film Center, Los Angeles,
California - John Porter Talk online, Porter Performs at CineCycle, Toronto, for an audience & video shoot - November 10, 2021. Faucet Media Arts / Struts Gallery, Sackville, New Brunswick - December 10, 2019. York University Cinema & Media Arts, Nat Taylor Cinema, Toronto, January 8, 2019. John Porter"s First Film Filibuster, at CineCycle, Toronto, April 17, 2018. 26th Artifact
Small Format Film Festival, Calgary, Alberta,
March 8-10, 2018. Anthology Film Archives, New York City - October 18, 2017. Binghamton University, Binghamton, New York - October 19, 2017. 5th Transient
Visions Festival of the Moving Image, 52nd Pesaro International Film Festival, Pesaro, Italy, July 8, 2016. Early Monthly Segments, at Gladstone Hotel, Toronto, March 7, 2016, all-ages! 31st FIFA, at Cinémathèque québécoise, Montréal, Québec, March 21, 2013. Manif d'art 6, at Musée de la civilisation, Québec City biennial, May 24, 2012, all-ages! Faucet Media Arts / Struts Gallery, Sackville, New Brunswick - March 16, 2012, all-ages! Hamilton Artists Inc., Hamilton, Ontario, October 21, 2011, all-ages! the 8 fest, at Trash Palace Theatre, Toronto, January 30, 2011, all-ages matinee! Winnipeg Cinematheque, Artspace, Winnipeg, Manitoba, April 23, 2010. Super 8 in the Chapel, Hart House, University of Toronto, Sept. 10, 2008 & March 21, 2009. 22nd Stuttgart Filmwinter, 2 solo shows, 1 workshop, Stuttgart, Germany, January 22-25, 2009. Queens University at Cameo Cinema, Kingston, Ontario, November 10, 2008. 53rd Cork Film Festival, 2 solo shows, 1 super 8 workshop, Cork, Ireland, October 12-19, 2008. Images Festival, photography exhibition at Gladstone Hotel, Toronto, April 7-27, 2007. 14th James River Film Festival, Firehouse Theatre, Richmond, Virginia, April 12, 2007. Anthology Film Archives, New York City - 2 different shows March 21 & 22, 2007. Ed Video, Guelph, Ontario - January 12, 2007 EUROPE TOUR 2007 8. dresdner schmalfilmtage,Motorenhalle, Dresden, Germany - January 25, 2007. Starting
From Scratch Festival #5, Netherlands Tour 2007: Cogcollective at Candid Arts Trust, London, UK - February 4, 2007 Lumen, Monarch House, Leeds, England - February 6, 2007 Fabulous Festival of Fringe Film, Left Side Gallery, Flesherton, Ontario - 2006 Independent Filmmakers Co-operative of Ottawa, Ontario - 2006 Anarchist Free University, Toronto, Ontario - 2006 Paintings and Films, Fellowship Towers,Toronto, Ontario - 2005 (photos) eyelevelgallery, Halifax, Nova Scotia - 2002, 2000 Artist in Residence, Struts Gallery, Sackville, New Brunswick - 2002 University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario - 2002 Public, SpaHa, Toronto, Ontario - 2002 Film Busking, Toronto, Montreal, Sackville - 1999-2002 SAW Gallery, Ottawa, Ontario - 2001 York University, Toronto, Ontario - 2001, 1999, 1996, 1995, 1994, 1983 Sheridan College, Oakville, Ontario - 2001, 1984, 1982 Ontario College of Art, Toronto, Ontario - 2000, 1990 Symposium of Art, Struts Gallery & Owens Art Gallery, Sackville, New Brunswick - 2000 7a*11d Festival of Performance Art, Art System, Toronto, Ontario - 2000 Squeaky Wheel Buffalo Media Resources, Buffalo, New York - 2000 Visual Studies Workshop, Rochester, New York - 2000 Galerie Sans Nom, Aberdeen Cultural Centre, Moncton, New Brunswick - 2000 Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario - 2000 Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario - 2000 Found Object Gallery, Toronto, Ontario - 2000 Hamilton College, Clinton, New York - 1999, 1991 Hart House Film Board, Hart House, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario - 1999 Pleasure Dome Artists Film Exhibition Group, Toronto, Ontario - 1989, 1999 Splice This! Super 8 Film Festival, Toronto, Ontario - 1998 Saskatchewan Film Pool, Regina, Saskatchewan - 1998 University of Regina, Regina, Saskatchewan - 1998 The Blinding Light!! Cinema, Vancouver, British Columbia - 1998 Los Angeles Filmforum, Hollywood, California - 1997 Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego, La Jolla, California - 1997 University of California, San Diego, California - 1997 Chicago Filmmakers, Xoinx Tearoom, Chicago, Illinois - 1997 YYZ Artists Outlet, Toronto, Ontario - 1996 Daily Express Cafe, Toronto, Ontario - 1995 Orgone Cinema, Silver Eye Gallery, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - 1994 San Francisco Cinematheque, San Francisco Art Institute, San Francisco, California - 1993 Montage 93 Festival, Memorial Art Gallery, Rochester, New York - 1993 Cornell Cinema, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York - 1992 38th Annual Robert Flaherty Seminar, Wells College, Aurora, New York - 1992 Utica College of Syracuse University, Utica, New York - 1991 Colgate University, Hamilton, New York - 1991 Niagara Artists Centre, St. Catharines, Ontario - 1990 17th Ann Arbor 8mm Film Festival, Ann Arbor, Michigan - 1987 Film as Art: 4 Perspectives, Pacific Film Centre, Vancouver, British Columbia - 1986 Eye Revue Showcase Window, Union Station, Toronto, Ontario - 1986 The Funnel Experimental Film Theatre, Toronto, Ontario - 1985 Forest City Gallery, London, Ontario - 1985, 1983, 1982 University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario - 1985 Art Gallery of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario - 1985 Cinema Windsor, Windsor, Ontario - 1985 The Rivoli, Toronto, Ontario - 1983 Mercury Theatre, Poor Alex Theatre, Toronto, Ontario - 1983 Pittsburgh Filmmakers, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - 1983 Canadian Images Festival, Artspace, Peterborough, Ontario - 1983 Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery, Kitchener, Ontario - 1983 Artcite, Windsor, Ontario - 1983 Art Gallery of Hamilton, Hamilton, Ontario - 1983 Zone Cinema, Hamilton, Ontario - 1981 London Filmmakers Co-op, London, England - 1981 Stichting Logos, Gent, Belgium - 1981 The Funnel Experimental Film Theatre, Toronto, Ontario - 1981, 1980, 1979 Cinéma Parallèle, Montreal, Quebec - 1979 Upcoming Shows - Recent Shows - New Films - 300 Films since 1968 - Biography |