Super 8 Filmmaker John Porter, Toronto, Canada
ABOUT JOHN: Upcoming Shows - New Films - 300 Films - "Top 25"/Sample Show - Biography John's super 8 film performance series (photo below)
One-shot Camera Dances, involving "surround super 8" projector dances performed live. A continuing series of silent film performances, with John hand-holding a super 8 projector in front of the audience. He moves the projected image around onto all the walls and ceiling, following the camera movements in the film. Inspired by a projection by Anne B. Walters in The Funnel Experimental Film Theatre Gallery, Toronto, in 1981. Eight different versions with different subjects, locations
and camera movements. Scanning 8 (2016, super 8, colour, 3.5 minutes,
silent, projector performance) Scott's Scanning (1999, super 8, colour,
3.5 minutes, silent, live performance) Scanning 6 (1998, super 8, colour, 3.5 minutes,
silent, live performance) Scanning 5 (1983, super 8, colour, 3.5 minutes,
silent, live performance) Scanning 4 (1983, super 8, colour, 3.5 minutes,
silent, live performance) Scanning 3 (1982, super 8, b&w, 3.5
minutes, silent, live performance) Scanning 2 (1982, super 8, colour, 3.5 minutes,
sound on film, live performance) Scanning 1 (1981, super 8, colour, 3 minutes,
silent, live performance) Scanning 5 (1983) in Berczy Park, Toronto
see John's Upcoming
Shows - New
Films - 300
Films - "Top
25"/Sample Show - Biography |