Super 8 Filmmaker John Porter, Toronto, Canada



John's Upcoming Shows - 100 Solo Shows - New Films - 300 Films - Biography

- John's Film Shortlist -

John selects from these 30 films which total 2 hours.
His shows have 10-15 films (1 hour) plus some talk.

Super 8 Films and Performance
by John Porter

Porter's Condensed Rituals (total 28 minutes)

Landscape (1977, 1 minute, silent)

Mother and Child (1977, 2 minutes, silent)

Santa Claus Parade (1976, 4.5 minutes, silent)

Exams (1982, 3.5 minutes, silent)

City Hall Fire (2005, 3.5 minutes, silent)

Amusement Park (1978/79, 6 minutes, silent)

Pumpkin Parade (2018/2019, 7 minutes, silent)


Camera Dances (total 43 minutes)

Firefly (1980, 3.5 minutes, silent)

Light Sleeper (2010/11, 3.5 minutes, silent)

Angel Baby (1979, 2 minutes, silent)

Down on Me (1980/81, 4 minutes, silent)

A Trip Around Toronto Harbour (1986, 3.5 minutes, silent)

Cinefuge 4 & 5 (1980/81, 4.5 minutes, sound on film)

Shovelling Snow (1992, 3.5 minutes, sound on film)

Blade Sharpener (1998, 3.5 minutes, sound on film)

In the Gutter (2000, 3.5 minutes, wild sound)

Shootout with Rebecca (1983, 3.5 minutes, sound on film, live performance)

Revolving Restaurant (1981, 3.5 minutes, silent, live performance)

Animal in Motion (1980, 1 minute, sound on film, live performance)

Scanning 5 (1983, 3.5 minutes, silent, live performance)


Alternate Choices (total 53 minutes)

Calendar Girl (1981-88, 3.5 minutes, sound on film)

Pleading Art (1989/92, 3.5 minutes, sound on film)

The Secret of the Lost Tunnel (1992, 3.5 minutes, sound on film)

The List of Bicycle Messenger (1994, 4 minutes, sound on film)

On the Street Where She Lived (1995, 3.5 minutes, sound on film)

Toy Catalogue 3 (1996, excerpt 18 minutes, sound on film)

Christmas Toy Lights Me (2006, 3.5 minutes, silent)

the8fest Trailer (2010, super 8, 2 minutes, silent)

Spadina Circle (2014, super 8, 8 minutes, silent)

The List of Pandemic Dehumidifier
(2020, 3.5 minutes, live narration & sounds)

Total running time - 124 minutes

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