Super 8 Filmmaker John Porter, Toronto, Canada



John's Upcoming Shows - New Films - 300 Films - "Top 25"/Sample Show - Biography

John's new super 8 film

- Holiday Train -

Holiday Train (John Porter, 2006, super 8, colour, silent, 3.5 minutes)

A Condensed Ritual (time-lapse / pixilation) using time-exposures of a cross-country train,
decorated on the outside with Christmas lights, arriving at night and stopping briefly for a set of songs from a band performing from the open doors of the freight car.


Premiere - Saturday, March 3, 2007

at the 5th annual Super 8 Circus
Super 8 films made for the screening by Andrei Tanasescu, Rick Palidwor,
Jo Dickins, Chris Jodoin, Naoki Okura, Tim Rothwell, Lauren Pincente,
Pollux Steif, Jesse Beecher, Ivan Zadounaer & Salome Nikuradze,
Tejpal Azzi & Carrie Terracino, Steffen Reinhart, Anita Corsini,
Joel Barnes, David Eng, Sandy Henderson, John Porter.
With live musical accompaniment by jazz band GUH.
Super 8 film loop projections in the lobby
at 6:30pm, and during intermission.

Saturday, March 3, 7pm, $8 attendance: 100

Hart House Theatre, 7 Hart House Circle, University of Toronto

Commissioned by the 6th University of Toronto Film & Video Festival (Mar. 1-3)

Thanks to Rick Palidwor for organizing this great programme every year.

see John's Upcoming Shows - New Films - 300 Films - "Top 25"/Sample Show - Biography