Map of Toronto 2006 - Directories
(Alphabetical, Categorized,
Geographical / Film Postering)
Above All Electronic Surplus, 590 Bloor St. W. 588-8119
Aboveground Art Supplies, 74 McCaul St. 591-1601 abovegroundartsupplies.com
Acacia Centre for the Arts, 186 Spadina Ave. 647-348-3420 torontoundergroundcinema.com
Active Surplus, 349 Queen St. W. 593-0909
Arcadia Housing Co-op, 680 Queens Quay W. 260-6611
Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO), 317 Dundas St. W. 979-6610 ago.net
Art Metropole, 788 King St. W. 703-4400
Beguiling Books,601 Markham St. 533-9168
Black Dog Video, 986 Queen St. W. 530-0006
Bloor Cinema, 506 Bloor St. W. 516-2330 516-2331
Book City, 501 Bloor St. W., 961-4496 + 1430 Yonge St.,
Buddies in Bad Times Theatre, 12 Alexander St. 975-8555
CBC Broadcast Centre, 250 Front St. W. 205-3311
CIUT-FM 89.5, Hart House, 7 Hart House Circle (U. of T.)
978-0909 studio 946-7000 ciut.fm
CKLN-FM 88.1, 55 Gould St. (Ryerson University) 595-1477
Cadillac Lounge, 1296 Queen St. W. 536-7717
Camera Bar, 1028 Queen St. W. 530-0011
Cameron House, 408 Queen St. W. 703-0811
Canadian Corps Headquarters, 201 Niagara St. 504-6694
Canadian Filmmakers Distribution Centre, 401 Richmond St.
W. 588-0725
Carlton Cinemas, 20 Carlton St. 598-2309
Charles Street Video, 65 Bellwoods Ave. 603-6564 603-6567
CineCycle, behind 129 Spadina Ave. 971-4273
Cineforum (Reg Hartt), 463 Bathurst St. 603-6643
Cinematheque Ontario, TIFF Bell Lightbox, 350 King St.
W. 968-FILM, bell.ca/cinematheque
Cinesphere, 955 Lakeshore Blvd. W. 314-9900 ontarioplace.com
Clinton’s, 693 Bloor St. W. 535-9541
Cumberland Cinemas, 159 Cumberland St. 646-0444
Curry’s Art Store, 490 Yonge St., 967-6666
+ 573 Queen St. W., 260-2633 + 283 Dundas St. W., 585-9292
Double Take Thrift Store, 310 Gerrard St.
E. 925-6069
Downtown Camera, 55 Queen St. E. 363-1749 downtowncamera.com
Drake Hotel & Underground, 1150 Queen St. W. 531-5042
Exclusive Film & Video Lab, 115 Walnut Ave., lower
level, 598-2700
EYE Weekly Magazine, 1 Yonge St., 596-4393
Eyesore Cinema, 801 Queen St. W., 2nd Floor 955-1599
Four Seasons Opera House, 145 Queen St. W. 363-6671
Gallery 1313, 1313A Queen St. W. 536-6778
Gallery TPW, 56 Ossington Ave.
Gladstone Hotel, 1214 Queen St. W. 531-4635 gladstonehotel.com
Goethe-Institut Toronto, 163 King St. W. 593-5257 goethe.de/toronto
Good Catch General Store, 1556 Queen St. W.
Goodwill Thrift Stores, 28 Roncesvalles Ave., 534-1686
+ 365 Bloor St. E., 362-4711
+ 585 St. Clair Ave. W., 656-5550
Great Hall Centre, 1087 Queen St. W. 537-0803
Gwartzman’s Art Supplies, 448 Spadina Ave. 922-5429
Hart House Film Board, 7 Hart House Circle
Henry’s Camera Store, 119 Church St. 868-0872
Hugh’s Room, 2261 Dundas St. W. 531-6604
Images Festival, 401 Richmond St. W. 971-8405 imagesfestival.com
Innis Townhall Theatre, 2 Sussex Ave. 978-4145
InterAccess, 9 Ossington Ave. 532-0597
Isabel Bader Theatre, 91 Charles St. W. 813-4092
Jet Fuel Coffee Shop, 519 Parliament St. 968-9982
Kinko’s Copies (24 hrs), 459 Bloor St. W. 928-0110
505 University Ave., 979-8447
Lee’s Palace, 529 Bloor St. W. 532-1598
L.I.F.T. (film co-op), 1137 Dupont St. 588-6444 lift.on.ca
Loomis Art Store, 130 Spadina Ave. 703-4748
Lower Ossington Theatre, 100 Ossington Ave.
Lula Lounge, 1585 Dundas St. W. 588-0307
Mercer Union Gallery, 1286 Bloor St. W.
536-1519 interlog.com/~mercer
Metro Theatre, 677 Bloor St. W. 534-0300
Midoco Art & Office Supplies, 555 Bloor St. W. 588-7718
Metro Hall, 55 John St. 338-0338
MoCCA Gallery, 952 Queen St. W. 395-0067 mocca.toronto..ca
Mod Club Theatre, 722 College St. 588-4663
Music Gallery, 197 John St. 204-1080
Music Hall, 147 Danforth Ave. 778-8163
NFB Spotton Cinema, 150 John St. 973-3012 nfb.ca/mediatheque
Niagara Custom Lab, 442 Dufferin St., Unit K, 504-3927
NOW Weekly Magazine, 189 Church St. 364-1300
Ontario Arts Council, 151 Bloor St. W., 5th Floor, 961-1660
Ontario College of Art & Design (OCAD), 100 McCaul
St., 977-6000 ocad.on.ca
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE), 252
Bloor St. W. (U. of T.) 923-6641
Paul Petro Gallery, 980 Queen St. W. 979-7874
Pleasure Dome Artists Film Exhibition Group 656-5577 pdome.org
Polish Combatants Hall, 206 Beverley St. 979-2017
Polson Pier, 11 Polson St. 469-5655
Poor Alex Theatre & Cabaret, 772 Dundas St. W. 324-9863
Power Plant Gallery, 235 Queens Quay W. 973-4949 culturenet.ca/powerplant
Queen Video, 412 Queen St. W., 504-3030
+ 480 Bloor St. W., 588-5767 + 688 College St., 532-0555
Rainbow Cinemas, 80 Front St. E. 494-9371
Rancho Relaxo, 300 College St. 920-0366
Reference Libraries, 789 Yonge St., 395-5577 + 239 College
St., 393-7748, 393-7753
Revival Restaurant, 783 College St. 535-7888
Revue Cinema, 400 Roncesvalles Ave. 531-9959 festivalcinemas.com
Revue Video, 207 Danforth Ave. 778-5776
Rhino Bar & Grill, 1249 Queen St. W. 535-8089
Rivoli Cafe & Club, 332 Queen St. W. 596-1908 rivoli.ca
Royal Cinema, 608 College St. 516-4845 festivalcinemas.com
Royal Ontario Museum (ROM), 100 Queen’s Park Cres.
Ryerson Polytechnic University, School of Image Arts, 122
Bond St.
St. Lawrence Market, 95 Front St. E. 392-7219
Gallery 392-7604
St. Vincent de Paul Society Thrift Stores, 253 Broadview
Ave. 461-8602
Salvation Army Thrift Stores, 1447 Queen St. W., 536-3361
+ 1219 Bloor St. W., 533-9553 + 665 St. Clair Ave. W., 651-2825
Scotiabank Theatre, 259 Richmond St. W. 368-5600
7-24 Movies, 501A Church St. 924-0724
Sneaky Dee’s, 431 College St. 603-3090 sneaky-dees.com
Soundscapes, 572 College St. 537-1620
Steam Whistle Brewery, The Roundhouse 362-2337 steamwhistle.ca
Suspect Video, 605 Markham St. 588-6674
Tern Art Supplies, 874 Queen St. W. 537-7338
Theatre Books, 11 St. Thomas St. 922-7175 theatrebooks.com
Theatre Centre, 1087 Queen St. W. 534-9261 Box Office 538-0988
360 Club, 326 Queen St. W., 593-0840
Thrift Town, 1373 Queen St. W., 537-9673
Toronto Animated Image Society (TAIS), 60 Atlantic Ave.,
Toronto Arts Council, 141 Bathurst St., 392-6800
TIFF Bell Lightbox, 350 King St. W., 968-FILM bell.ca/cinematheque
Toronto Photographers Workshop (TPW), 56 Ossington Ave.,
Trinity Square Video, 401 Richmond St. W., 593-1332
Trash Palace Theatre, 416-203-2389
Uncle Jacob, 355 Spadina Ave. 340-2715
University of Toronto, 978-2011 utoronto.ca
Vtape, 401 Richmond St. W. 351-1317 vtape.org
Value Village Thrift Store, 1319 Bloor St. W. 539-0585
Varsity Cinemas, 55 Bloor St. W. 961-6303
Vintage Video, 604 Markham St. 538-9927
Vistek, 496 Queen St. E. 365-1777
West Camera, 514 Queen St. W. 504-9432
Winchester Hotel, 537 Parliament St. 929-1875
Woolfitt’s Art Supplies, 1153 Queen St. W. 536-7878
Workman Arts Theatre, 651 Dufferin St. 583-4339
Wychwood Barns, Christie St.
XPACE, 58 Ossington Ave. 849-2864
Xtra! Magazine, 491 Church St. 925-6665
YYZ Artists’ Outlet, 401 Richmond St. W. 598-4546
Yasi’s Place, 299 Wallace Ave. 536-9888

Map of Toronto - Directories
Categorized, Geographical
/ Film Postering)
Copying, Books, Art Supplies, Cameras, Videos, Surplus, Thrift
Kinko’s Copies (24 hrs), 459 Bloor St. W. 928-0110 505 University
Ave., 979-8447
Book Stores
Art Metropole, 788 King St. W. 703-4400
Beguiling Books,601 Markham St. 533-9168
Book City, 501 Bloor St. W., 961-4496 + 1430 Yonge St., 926-0749
Theatre Books, 11 St. Thomas St. 922-7175 theatrebooks.com
Art Supply Stores
Aboveground Art Supplies, 74 McCaul St. 591-1601 abovegroundartsupplies.com
Curry’s Art Store, 490 Yonge St., 967-6666 + 573 Queen St.
W., 260-2633 + 283 Dundas St. W., 585-9292
Gwartzman’s Art Supplies, 448 Spadina Ave. 922-5429
Loomis Art Store, 130 Spadina Ave. 703-4748
Midoco Art & Office Supplies, 555 Bloor St. W. 588-7718 Woolfitt’s
Art Supplies, 1153 Queen St. W. 536-7878
Woolfitts Art Supplies, 1153 Queen St. W. 536-7878
Camera Stores
Downtown Camera, 55 Queen St. E. 363-1749 downtowncamera.com
Henry’s Camera Store, 119 Church St. 868-0872
West Camera, 514 Queen St. W. 504-9432
Vistek, 496 Queen St. E. 365-1777
Video Stores
Black Dog Video, 986 Queen St. W. 530-0006
Eyesore Cinema, 801 Queen St. W., 2nd Floor 955-1599
The Film Buff, 73 Roncesvalles Ave.
Marquis Video, College St. at Gladstone
Queen Video, 412 Queen St. W., 504-3030, 480 Bloor St. W., 588-5767,
688 College St., 532-0555
Revue Video, 207 Danforth Ave. 778-5776
7-24 Movies, 501A Church St. 924-0724
Suspect Video, 605 Markham St. 588-6674
Vintage Video, 604 Markham St. 538-9927
Surplus Stores
Above All Electronic Surplus, 590 Bloor St. W. 588-8119
Active Surplus, 349 Queen St. W. 593-0909
Thrift Stores
Good Catch General Store, 1556 Queen St. W.
Double Take Thrift Store, 310 Gerrard St. E. 925-6069
Goodwill Thrift Stores, 28 Roncesvalles Ave., 534-1686 + 365 Bloor
St. E., 362-4711
+ 585 St. Clair Ave. W., 656-5550
St. Vincent de Paul Society Thrift Stores 253 Broadview Ave. 461-8602
Salvation Army Thrift Stores, 1447 Queen St. W., 536-3361 1219
Bloor St. W., 533-9553
665 St. Clair Ave. W., 651-2825
Thrift Town, 1373 Queen St. W. 537-9673
Uncle Jacob, 355 Spadina Ave. 340-2715
Value Village Thrift Store, 1319 Bloor St. W. 539-0585

Co-ops, Labs, Newspapers, Broadcasters, Libraries, Schools, Arts
Arcadia Housing Co-op, 680 Queens Quay W. 260-6611
Canadian Filmmakers Distribution Centre, 401 Richmond St. W. 588-0725
Charles Street Video, 65 Bellwoods Ave. 603-6564 603-6567
Hart House Film Board, 7 Hart House Circle 946-8180
Images Festival, 401 Richmond St. W., 971-8405 imagesfestival.com
L.I.F.T. (film co-op), 1137 Dupont St. 588-6444 lift.on.ca
Music Gallery, 197 John St. 204-1080
Pleasure Dome Artists Film Exhibition Group, 656-5577 pdome.org
Toronto Animated Image Society (TAIS) 60 Atlantic Ave. 533-7889
Vtape, 401 Richmond St. W. 351-1317 vtape.org
Trinity Square Video, 401 Richmond St. W. 593-1332
Exclusive Film & Video Lab, 101 Niagara St. 598-2700
Niagara Custom Lab, 442 Dufferin St., Unit K 504-3927
EYE Weekly Magazine, 625 Church St. 596-4393
NOW Weekly Magazine, 189 Church St. 364-1300
Xtra! Magazine, 491 Church St. 925-6665
CBC Broadcast Centre, 250 Front St. W. 205-3311
CIUT-FM 89.5, Hart House, 7 Hart House Circle (U. of T.) 978-0909
studio 946-7000 ciut.fm
CKLN-FM 88.1, 55 Gould St. (Ryerson University) 595-1477
Arts Councils
Ontario Arts Council, 151 Bloor St. W. 961-1660
Toronto Arts Council, 141 Bathurst St. 392-6800
Reference Libraries, 789 Yonge St., 395-5577 239 College St.,
393-7748, 393-7753
Ontario College of Art & Design (OCAD), 100 McCaul St., 977-6000
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, 252 Bloor St. W. (U.
of T.) 923-6641
Ryerson Polytechnic University, School of Image Arts, 122 Bond
University of Toronto 978-2011 utoronto.ca

Cinemas, Theatres, Galleries, Bars, Cafes, Restaurants
Acacia Centre for the Arts, 186 Spadina Ave. 647-348-3420 torontoundergroundcinema.com
Bloor Cinema, 506 Bloor St. W. 516-2330 516-2331
Camera Bar, 1028 Queen St. W. 530-0011
Carlton Cinemas, 20 Carlton St. 598-2309
CineCycle, behind 129 Spadina Ave. 971-4273
Cineforum (Reg Hartt), 463 Bathurst St. 603-6643
Jackman Hall, Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO), 317 Dundas St. W.
979-6610 ago.net
Cinesphere, 955 Lakeshore Blvd. W. 314-9900 ontarioplace.com
Cumberland Cinemas, 159 Cumberland St. 646-0444
Innis Townhall Theatre, 2 Sussex Ave. 978-4145
Isabel Bader Theatre, 91 Charles St. W. 813-4092
Metro Theatre, 677 Bloor St. W. 534-0300
NFB Spotton Cinema, 150 John St. 973-3012 nfb.ca/mediatheque
Rainbow Cinemas, 80 Front St. E. 494-9371
Revue Cinema, 400 Roncesvalles Ave. 531-9959 festivalcinemas.com
Royal Cinema, 608 College St. 516-4845 festivalcinemas.com
Scotiabank Theatre, 259 Richmond St. W. 368-5600
TIFF Bell Lightbox, 350 King St. W., 968-FILM bell.ca/cinematheque
Trash Palace Theatre, 89B Niagara St. 203-2389 palacetheatre.com
Varsity Cinemas, 55 Bloor St. W. 961-6303
Buddies in Bad Times Theatre, 12 Alexander St. 975-8555
Four Seasons Opera House, 145 Queen St. W., 363-6671
Goethe-Institut Toronto, 163 King St. W. 593-5257 goethe.de/toronto
Great Hall Centre, 1087 Queen St. W. 537-0803
Lower Ossington Theatre, 100 Ossington Ave.
Music Hall, 147 Danforth Ave. 778-8163
Poor Alex Theatre & Cabaret, 772 Dundas St. W. 324-9863
Theatre Centre, 1087 Queen St. W. 534-9261 Box Office 538-0988
Workman Arts Theatre, 651 Dufferin St. 583-4339
Art Galleries
Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO), 317 Dundas St. W. 979-6610 ago.net
Art Metropole, 788 King St. W. 703-4400
Diaz Contemporary, 100 Niagara St.
Edward Day Gallery, 952 Queen St. W.
Gallery 1313, 1313A Queen St. W., 536-6778
Gallery TPW, 56 Ossington Ave.
Georgia Scherman Projects, 133 Tecumseth St.
InterAccess, 9 Ossington Ave. 532-0597
Katharine Mulherin Contemporary Art Projects, 1086 Queen St. W.
Lennox Contemporary, 12 Ossington Ave.
Mercer Union Gallery, 1286 Bloor St. W. 536-1519 interlog.com/~mercer
MoCCA Gallery, 952 Queen St. W. 395-0067 mocca.toronto..ca
Paul Petro Gallery, 980 Queen St. W. 979-7874 paulpetro.com
Power Plant Gallery, 235 Queens Quay W. 973-4949 culturenet.ca/powerplant
Robert Birch Gallery, 129 Tecumseth St.
Royal Ontario Museum (ROM), 100 Queen’s Park Cres. 586-8000
St. Lawrence Market, 95 Front St. E. 392-7219 Gallery 392-7604
Stephen Bulger Gallery, 1026 Queen St. W.
Susan Hobbs, 137 Tecumseth St.
Toronto Free Gallery, 1277 Bloor St. W.
Toronto Photographers Workshop (TPW) 56 Ossington Ave. 645-1066
Wychwood Barns, Christie St.
XPACE, 58 Ossington Ave. 849-2864
York Quay Gallery, 245 Queens Quay W.
YYZ Artists’ Outlet, 401 Richmond St. W. 598-4546 interlog.com/~yyz
Bars, Cafes, Restaurants
Cadillac Lounge, 1296 Queen St. W. 536-7717
Cameron House, 408 Queen St. W. 703-0811
Canadian Corps Headquarters, 201 Niagara St. 504-6694
Clinton’s, 693 Bloor St. W. 535-9541
Drake Hotel & Underground, 1150 Queen St. W. 531-5042 thedrakehotel.ca
Gladstone Hotel, 1214 Queen St. W. 531-4635 gladstonehotel.com
Hugh’s Room, 2261 Dundas St. W. 531-6604
Jet Fuel Coffee Shop, 519 Parliament St. 968-9982
Lula Lounge, 1585 Dundas St. W. 588-0307
Lee’s Palace, 529 Bloor St. W. 532-1598
Mod Club Theatre, 722 College St. 588-4663
Polish Combatants Hall, 206 Beverley St. 979-2017
Polson Pier, 11 Polson St. 469-5655
Rancho Relaxo, 300 College St. 920-0366
Revival Restaurant, 783 College St. 535-7888
Rhino Bar & Grill, 1249 Queen St. W. 535-8089
Rivoli Cafe & Club, 332 Queen St. W. 596-1908 rivoli.ca
Sneaky Dee’s, 431 College St. 603-3090 sneaky-dees.com
Soundscapes, 572 College St. 537-1620
Steam Whistle Brewery, The Roundhouse 362-2337 steamwhistle.ca
360 Club, 326 Queen St. W. 593-0840
Winchester Hotel, 537 Parliament St. 929-1875
Yasi’s Place, 299 Wallace Ave. 536-9888
Metro Hall, 55 John St. 338-0338

Categorized, Geographical / Film Postering)
Queen / Roncesvalles / PARKDALE
The Film Buff, Roncesvalles N. of Queen on W. Side
Tintos, Roncesvalles N. of Queen on W. Side
Cherrry Bomb, Roncesvalles N. of Queen on W. Side
Alternative Grounds, Roncesvalles N. of Queen on W. Side
Gallery 1313, 1313 Queen Street West
Parkdale Public Library, 1303 Queen St. West
High Park Public Library, 228 Roncesvalles Ave.
Revue Cinema, 400 Roncesvalles Ave.
KING & Queen / Dufferin
Art Metro pDominion Supermatket, Liberty East
The Source Shop, 102 - 2 Pardee Avenue
Liberty Market Place, Atlantic Ave.
Toronto Animated Image Society Artscape, Liberty & Jefferson
Gladstone Hotel, Queen (Gladstone) and E of Dufferin
Drake Hotel, Queen and Beaconsfield
Fresh Restaurant, 894 Queen St. W.
Black Dog Video, 986 Queen St. W.
Tan Coffee, 992 Queen St. W.
MoCCA (Museum of Contemporary Canadian Art), N side of Queen,
E of Ossington
Shishi Restaurant / Starbucks, 1096 Queen St. W.
Woolfitts Art Supplies, 1153 Queen St. W.
Niagara Custom Lab, 442-K Dufferin Street
Queen / Bathurst
Exclusive Film and Video, 115 Walnut Ave.
Codes Pro Media, 123 Niagara St.
Come As You Are, 701 Queen St. W., west of Bathurst
Charles Street Video, 65 Bellwoods Avenue, N of Queen
Sanderson Library, 327 Bathurst @ Dundas
Kensington Market
Lillian Smith Library, 239 College Street
Queen Video, College (1 block E of Crawford)
Royal Cinema, 608 College Street - (just west of Bathurst)
Queen Video, N side of Queen, W of Spadina
Theatre Ontario, 215 Spadina Avenue - (East side, Between Dundas
and Queen)
Aboveground Art Supplies, South of OCAD, W side of McCaul
Ontario College of Art & Design, 113 McCaul Street (SE of
McCaul and Dundas)
Bulletin board by Library, 100 McCaul Street, 2nd floor bulletin
Trebas Institute, 149 College St., SW of College & University
National Film Board, 150 John Street @ Richmond
401 Richmond Street West, S of Queen, SE corner Spadina and Richmond
Images Festival, Vtape, SAVAC, Trinity Square Video, ImagineNATIVE,
ReelAaian, Inside Out LGFF, A Space, YYZ, Gallery 44.
Innis Town Hall, 2 Sussex (S. of Bloor)
Randolf Academy for the Performing Arts, 736 Bathurst Street -
(1 block S of Bathurst / Bloor)
Suspect Video, Markham and Bloor
Beguiling, Markham and Bloor
A Different Book List, Bathurst, S of Bloor (wide Side)
Bloor Cinema, Bloor Street West, E of Bathurst
Queen Video, Bloor St. E of Bathurst
Victory Cafe, Markham S. of Bloor, East side.
Toronto Women’s Bookstore, Harbord E. of Spadina
Book City, 501 Bloor West
Sonic Boom Records, Bloor @ Bathurst
Bissell Room, 130 St. George Street - (corner of St. George St.
South of Bloor)
OISE Auditorium, 252 Bloor Street West - (just east of St. George
Palmerston Library, 560 Palmerston Ave. N of Bloor
Spadina Rd. Library, 10 Spadina Rd. @ Bloor
U of T (Hart House Campus), 7 Hart House Circle - (North of College
and University)
Theatre Books, 11 St Thomas - (Between by Queen’s
Park/Bay, S of Bloor)
Buddies in Bad Times, 12 Alexander, (W.of Yonge)
Ryerson Polytechnic University - Image Arts, 285 Victoria St.,
8th floor
George Brown (St. James Campus), 200 King St. E.
NOW Magazine, 189 Church St.
Gladday Bookstore, Yonge N. of Wellesley
Book City, 663 Yonge Street
Toronto Public Library – Performing Arts Desk, 789 Yonge
Yonge Street & Bloor Street East
Distillery District
George Brown (St. James Campus), 200 King Street East/Jarvis
St. Lawrence Library, 171 Front Street East
Parliament Library, 269 Gerrard Street East
St. James Town Library, 495 Sherbourne Ave.
Harris Institute For the Arts, 118 Sherbourne St. (Britain St)
Black & White Film Factory, 40 Cawthra Avenue,
York University
Canadian Film Centre, Windfields, 2489 Bayview Avenue
Harbourfront Centre, 235 Queens Quay West
Equity Showcase - 651 Dufferin Street

John's Guide to
Bloor Street West
Mirvish Village, Markam St. - The Beguiling Books,
Suspect Video, Vintage Video
Bathurst Street Theatre, entrance on Lennox
A Different Book List
Palmerston Library, Sonic Boom Records, Bloor Cinema,
Queen Video on Bloor,
Book City, BMV Books, Future Bakery, Tranzac Club, St. Paul's
Trinity Community Centre
Spadina Road Library, Theatre Books
University of Toronto
- Hart House, Innis College, Robarts Library, Harbord Village,
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) - 2nd Floor
Ontario Arts Council, 151 Bloor St. W., 5th Floor
Yonge Street
- Toronto Reference Library - Performing Arts Section, 5th Floor,
Glad Day Books, Yonge St.
Church Street
- Croissant Tree - Film Toronto / ACTRA Members' Cafe, 625 Church
Out on the Street Books, 551 Church St., 519 Community Centre,
7-24 Video, 503 Church St., Maple Leaf Convenient Mart, 445 Church
Ryerson University - Rogers Media Centre, 80 Gould St., Student
Centre, 55 Gould St.,
Image Arts, 285 Victoria St., 8th Floor Cage, NOW Weekly
Kensington Market
- Augusta Ave., Nassau St., Baldwin St., Kensington Ave.
College Street - Spadina Ave.
to Ossington Ave.
Queen Video on College, Royal Cinema, Lillian Smith
Library, College/Shaw Library
Queen Street West - University
Ave. to Roncesvalles Ave.
Ontario College of Art & Design, 100 McCaul
St. - Integrated Media Dept., 3rd Floor
Above Ground Art Supplies, 76 McCaul St.
Baldwin Street - McCaul St. to Beverly St.
401 Richmond St. W. - Main Floor Mailroom, 4th Floor
Media Wing Bulletin Board
Queen Video on Queen
Exclusive Film Lab, Walnut St.
Ossington Ave. - Queen to Dundas, Babel Books
Black Dog Video, Drake Hotel
Parkdale - Cadillac Lounge, Parkdale Library, Gallery
Roncesvalles Ave. - The Film Buff Video, Revue Cinema