Super 8 Filmmaker John Porter, Toronto, Canada



John's film performance

- Animal in Motion -

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Animal in Motion (1980, super 8, 16mm, 1 minute, sound on film, live performance)

A cameraless Camera Dance, made with found footage.

John performs live in front of the screen, running back and forth in sync with the film, which is all black except for one clear frame every five seconds. He runs past center-screen as each clear frame illuminates him for just one 50th of a second, creating still images of him.

Then each clear frame is replaced by a few frames of found sound footage of a person shouting at the camera, and John shouts back at the person while still running past in time.

The original version was two short loops of 16mm magnetic stock with the clear frames and found footage spliced in, and shown a few times each on seperate projectors.
Then they were copied off the screen onto one roll of super 8 sound film.

The title is a reference to Eadweard Muybridge's pre-cinema photo series Animal Locomotion (1887).